

This post was actually meant to be up at some point last week but it’s almost my birthday and I’ve been stressed……worried I mean! Not only would I be adulting on a whole new level but the “she’s young and stupid” excuse would no longer apply, also, that small issue of finding a husband……which basically shouldn’t apply to me as I am still celibate! I just think marriage is an outrageous expectation of me, given that some of the decision making factors are out of play, however, celibacy has been hard. It’s a bit like being locked in a room with a buffet of all your favourite food and told not to eat a thing. I am worried I have become sexnorexic but I bet this will make mama proud, for not only does she preach abstinence but damn well ensures it isΒ practised with the ruthlessness of an AfricanΒ dictator.


I went to bed last night thinking of a multitude of things and playing out scenarios in my head. I do this a lot……roll out an entire theatre, complete with main and sub actors. I dramatise it as well for maximum effect. I am more of an escapist, I hate confrontations unless they are in my head. Anyway, what was I saying…..oh yes, sex. It’s nearly 70 days without any sex and my loins are starting to burn a hole in my lacy underwear, they basically need putting out and I just can’t jump any hapless man like a hyena on heat, I might injure him or myself for that matter. Need to do something about it cause it’s affecting my work. Last week while in a meeting with some colleagues about risk assessment of a drug of some sort……I wasn’t really listening, only went cause there was a cake trolley and I was volunteered in my absence. Anyway, whilst unashamedly stuffing my face with cream cakes I kept staring at all the men’s crotches…..bad form I know but no bulges in sight. Conclusion: All the men in the risk assessment team have small willies…..oh well, at least they get paid very, very well. See what I mean by celibacy affecting my work? I need a new distraction!


After work I went to the Cinema solo……the ticket girl…..with lots of zits on her forehead kept giving me the “I pity you smile” all through. I decided to freak her out by staring at her without blinking (I had my afro hair and no make-up), she soon dropped that stupid smile and wouldn’t even look at me as I collected my tickets…..I purposely let my hand go over hers for dramatic effect, she flinched! I laughed so hard in my head and went to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. Don’t judge.


Got home and watched Snapped: Women Who Kill….God, I feel like an outcast typing this you know! It’s like admitting to fancying serial killers but I do like reality crime and I record all episodes on the CI and Investigation Discovery channels. I should be ashamed of myself and start watching conversation-friendly shows like Real Housewives of Atlanta and Downtown Abbey.


I went to bed wearing an ex’s T-shirt……not by choice, all nightwear is either in laundry or packed as I am moving home soon. The alternative would have been naked. Insomnia set in and I decided to call my brother in the US knowing fully well that he was asleep. I told him I was pregnant and didn’t know who the father was. He went quiet for a few seconds then said, “You’re so fucked! Mama is going to incinerate your ass!!!” With him woken up, we spoke for 20 minutes about his girlfriend…..the one he wants to dump but is too scared! Coward! Actually, I shouldn’t be too hard on him, she’s so scary! I met her before and she has this permanent eerie smile constantly…….even when we watched Gone With The Wind…..everyone cries after Gone With The Wind, she didn’t.


My brother stipulated…..yup, that’s the word he used…..that I must get a man this year. Mama had told him that my other ‘unmarried’ BFF had just been married on April 2nd and her and daddy were getting increasingly concerned regarding my lack of initiative in the matter. I told him to get off my case, men are not displayed in the ‘Reduced to Clear’ section of the supermarket! He insisted…..his word again……that I address the issue or I’ll end up a spinster with my 8 cats. I don’t have any cats, even though I am thinking of getting one. I asked how many spinsters he knew with an Anya Hindmarch Β handbag casually draped on their shoulder? I told him before I get a boyfriend, I must get laid first, then I will be ready.


My brother told me to get off the phone, he wanted to sleep…….I did…..but not before I told him that his girlfriend had emailed me wedding gown pictures!


So back to my initial midnight thoughts……What was I thinking of? Oh yes, how good it’d feel to be cuddled up with my coconut head resting on a man’s chest! Even celibates deserve to have wishful, happy thoughts. I fell asleep and dreamt being chased by cats the size of elephants! Go figure.


Disclaimer: I am not pregnant by unknown men. This is important to note as my mother may have discovered this blog and do not want her hurling me to the priest in urgent need of an exorcism…..or better still, exorcise that demon out of me herself!


Happy Saturday folks! The sun is shining in Scotland!



17 thoughts on “Sexnorexic!

  1. I absolutely loved this. I’m still wiping tears from my eyes! Hilarious. You’re not alone. I love watching ‘snapped’ but I have to do so in secret as my husband gets very uncomfortable walking into the living room finding me glued!!!

    Mr right will come…but oh the struggle is real xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I should be ashamed to say there’s not an episode of Snapped I haven’t hunted down on TV and Youtube! I love it, why….I have no idea but I know it’s not something I can openly admit to people. When I get asked my fav TV Show, I just say The Good Wife lol

    About Mr Right….so many sleepless night fervently asking God to give him or else…..but maybe I should stop praying in such a threatening manner and he’ll soon come.

    Glad you liked the post xx


  3. As usual i love your words. I laughed. I forgot to tell you I’m on be celibate track. It’s a beautiful thing. I’m lying. It sucks but I’m still on it. So I’ll support you through it. You are strong. Stay strong. Dont fall yet. Mr right is coming. Okay I’ll call him Mr Husband. That one you dream about. He’s coming.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mr Husband better be on his way already seeing as I am 25 in 2 days. Most of my friends are now married, even those that swore wouldn’t until they hit 30!!!! smh! Celibacy is a bit like being on a diet sha, it takes 3 years to get used to haha. After that I don’t think sex would even exist, it’ll be a thing of the distant past. You and I must be soul sisters hehe. Thank you for reading πŸ™‚

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